Note: The best experience for this game is likely with a controller

This game was made for the LowRezJam 2024. The game format is 64x64 scaled to a 256x256window in

Afraid of Kneights: The Legend of the Lost Trophy

In a kingdom where valor and chivalry are celebrated, the annual tournament of knights is the most anticipated event of the year. The ultimate prize, the Golden Trophy, symbolizes unmatched courage and strength. However, this year, something went terribly wrong.
On the night before the grand tournament, a powerful storm swept through the kingdom. Lightning struck the castle, and in the chaos, the Golden Trophy was carried away by the raging winds. It was whisked high into the sky, finally resting atop the Skyward Tower, an ancient and mysterious structure that pierces the clouds.
The Skyward Tower is a place of legend, said to have been built by a long-forgotten order of knights who sought to reach the heavens themselves. Its floating platforms, spiraling staircases, and dizzying heights are known to challenge even the bravest of souls. The tower is said to stand at an impossible height of 4096 talons—a number shrouded in myth, believed to be the exact distance between the earth and the gates of the celestial realm.
But for the knights of this kingdom, there is a greater challenge—an ancient phobia known as the Kneight’s Curse, a deep-seated fear of heights that has plagued their order for generations. Though they are fearless in battle, the very thought of ascending the Skyward Tower sends shivers down their spines.
As the hero of this tale, it falls to you to overcome the Kneight’s Curse and retrieve the Golden Trophy. You must leap from platform to platform, ascend the tower’s treacherous heights, and reach the legendary 4096th talon, where the trophy awaits.
Will you conquer your fears and bring the Golden Trophy back to the kingdom, or will the tower’s dizzying heights prove too much to bear?


Xbox Controller (Prefered)
-Movement: Analog stick
- Jump: A
- Attack: X

- Movement: WASD
- Jump: W
- Attack: Space


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Graphic design is super on point here, and the game idea is a nice mix of different games! My only gameplay complaint here is the lack of more!

Sound design wise I do wish the sound jump was a deeper sound, as you are using jump the most and hearing that high pitched sfx all the time was starting to get tiring. Some kind of deeper nosie would also fit the idea of an armored jump.

Other than that, really cool entry!

Awwwwwwesome! This fits in the best tradition of hack-and-slash platformers. Was a lot of fun to play, I just wish it kept going.